Chick-Fil-A Case Study

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DESCRIPTION/PROBLEM: According to the Sieczkowski in his Huffington Post article, “Brenda Honeycutt was an employee of Chick-fil-A up until June 2011. She was dismissed from her job by the owner, Jeff Howard, because he felt that by dismissing her he was giving her a chance to be a “stay at home mom (Brenda Honeycutt, Former Chick-Fil-A Employee, Sues Restaurant Over Gender Discrimination, 2012).” According to Sturgis, “Brenda Honeycutt began working at the Georgia based Chick-fil-A in 1991. After working at the company for six years, her performance was so good that she was promoted to general manager. Despite her performance being more than satisfactory, Mr. Howard continued to make sexist remarks to Ms. Honeycutt. He would make statements to her suggesting that she should go home and be with children. Ms. Honeycutt did not agree with these statements and continued to work at the company until the day she was fired. After serving as general manager for almost 14 years, Mr. Howard hired…show more content…
The purpose of performance management is to provide companies with an assessment of how their employees are performing. According to our textbook, “performance management involves three steps and they are to define the performance, measure the performance and to provide feedback on the performance. These steps help the organization to determine which performances are relevant to the success of the company, then these aspects are measured and after being measure the aspects are explained to the employees (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2011).” When a company knows what actions are needed for it to be successful, when it knows which areas their employees are strong and weak in and when they can provide this information to the employees then they can resolve the issues. They can take a look at what is working and what is not. Which employees need more guidance and which are doing

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