Helen Keller Research Paper

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“Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows.”- Helen Keller. As a child Helen Keller conquered physical challenges through unconventional means. Her family was well-heeled and could afford to hire Anne Sullivan, a gifted teacher, who not only assisted in changing Helen’s life, but also of those who needed to be heard. Her actions spoke louder than her words as she toured 123 cities to lecture and inspire communities of people, marched in Women Parades, and spoke out about the outrageous treatment by police toward protestors of the Industrial Workers of the World. Her lecturing and writing skills eventually led to fame and notoriety in America. Keller felt sympathetic to the plight of others and through her determination and…show more content…
She was once a bright, smiling, and cheerful baby until “. . . Keller [at] 19 months old . . . contracted scarlet fever, which caused her to lose her sight and hearing within a few weeks." (Langston 1). At the time, unsophisticated was the image brought to mind when a person was deaf and blind; Helen's family members believed she belonged in a mental institute. Her parents were persistent in faith for Helen's possible recovery. The arrival of her teacher, Anne Sullivan, in March 1887 marked a new chapter in history. At first, Helen did not comply well with Sullivan she had explosions of rage, played wicked pranks, and was hesitant to learn. Regardless of her rebellious behaviors, Anne helped Helen to transform from a defiant child to an independent learner eventually conquering her physical handicaps. People began to gradually take notice of Helen through newspaper stories, then she used her public fame in the benefit of raising awareness for the American Foundation for the blind. She became a successful fundraiser along with her teacher as ". . . they spoke to more than a quarter of a million people in 123 cities. Their efforts raised more than 1 million . . ." (Wepman

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