Mino Theseus Research Paper

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Daedalus had committed a crime of envy against his own nephew Talus. Talus admired his uncle Daedalus, he wanted to craft something as good as his uncle and so he did, meanwhile his uncle became very jealous of his nephew. So Daedalus took care of it by throwing Talus off the Acropolis and so Daedalus was punished by being exiled to the island of Crete in service of king Minos. On the island of Crete he meet a slave of Minos called Naucrate. He had a kid with Naucrate named Icarus. Minos had a wife named Pasiphae and they had a bull headed man name minotaur. Minos had Daedalus build the labyrinth for his son the Minotaur because he was so discussed by his son. The Minotaur feeds on humans inside of the labyrinth, the humans are the people that…show more content…
Theseus had arrived to Crete not knowing to find a beautiful young lady that would fall in love with him. The beautiful lady was Ariadne which was Minos daughter, she had wanted to help him survive from her brother the Minotaur. Daedalus decide to tell Ariadne how Theseus can escape the labyrinth enabling him to kill the Minotaur. King Minos who had found out that Daedalus had when against him was angry with him. Minos was very angered by Daedalus actions, in helping Theseus escape the labyrinth, so Minos had then trapped Daedalus and His son Icarus in the labyrinth. Daedalus the one who constructed the labyrinth didn't even know how to escape. They then learned that Minos controlled the land and sea so they where able to escape from the air with wings. Daedalus cautions his child not to fly to high because the sun would ruined the wings. The wings where put together with feathers and wax so the sun would melt away the wax that was holding it together. As youth usually ignore there elders advice, He felt so free and overwhelmed by the experience, only gods and goddess where able to fly so he wanted to make the most of

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