Harry Potter Coming Of Age

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“Coming of age” is a term often represented in media today. It is an idea that everyone who grows up to be an adult has to go through the “coming of age” stage. This a point when a person begins to grow up and mature. Sometimes this is a forced maturing and sometimes it is a more gradual process. The author of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, JK Rowling, represents coming of age through the students at Hogwarts because they grow and change through the trials that they face. “Coming of age” is also represented in The Lord of the Rings through Frodo and the other Hobbits, but they go through it a little differently. Frodo and his friends are taken on a journey into danger and unknown lands, and because of this they mature more forcefully.…show more content…
We see this between Ron and Hermione, and we can infer that Ron is jealous of Hermione and Viktor Krum. Also we see that Harry is interested in Cho Chang while she is preoccupied with Cedric Diggory. In this book, viewers see Harry more focused on the cutest girl in the fourth year than his fame and fortune, even though Arthur Weasley says, “And that, boys, is why you should never go for looks alone.” One of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’s main moral dilemmas is whether or not the teachers ought to let Harry compete in the tournament. Eventually they follow the rules and allow him to compete. This leads to a forced “coming of age” for Harry, and he becomes more mature because of their decision. Obviously Harry Potter’s struggles are different than those of most of today’s youth. Most teenagers in modern America who are “coming of age” don’t have to deal with Dragons and Merpeople. However, today’s youth do deal with relationship and jealousy. They may not have the same struggles, but each has an important effect on their…show more content…
I chose to interview her because as she is my mother, she has experienced her own “coming of age” and has been influential in the “coming of age” of myself. The world around her was different than that of Harry or Frodo, but that doesn’t mean that she wasn’t impacted by her world. The media at the time and her family still influenced her and turned into the person that she was during her own coming of age, and is to this day. Just like Bilbo impacted Frodo’s life or like Dumbledore influenced Harry, she had people in her life that made her a better person, just in a different way. My mom also wasn't forced into her “coming of age” state as Frodo and Harry were. Her situation was more of a gradual process, rather than having challenges forced upon her. She still faced problems, such as social issues, but overall her “coming of age” was more of a supportive and prolonged experience. Harry, Frodo, and even my mother may have gone about “coming of age” differently, but they all ended up with the same lessons
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