Anna Pavlova Research Paper

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The word "courage" stems from the Latin word cor meaning heart, and was originally used to describe one's heart, innermost feelings, and temper. In the present, courage has more to do with bravery, valor, and the ability to face one's fears. Courage is an adjective awarded to heroes in storybooks, those serving overseas, or those who stand up for the meek. It is upheld as one of the most positive attributes one may possess, a characteristic that all should strive to be associated with. However, I do not believe courage is limited to simply being "brave" or "fearless." Courage is one's will to overcome obstacles no matter how small and to face adversity with an open mind. Anna Pavlova was born in Russia to an impoverished, unwed laundress and a Jew in 1881. Inspired by an Imperial Ballet School rendition of The…show more content…
Anna Pavlova is an outstanding example of a courageous being who never allowed the torment of her classmates nor her physical challenges to hinder her will to accomplish her dream. In fact, it is arguable that these challenges are what drove Pavlova to improve tremendously in the eight years of training she received. Without these adversities and natural disabilities, Pavlova would never have become one of the greatest prima ballerinas in history. The strength she derived by overcoming her challenges and hardships would eventually inspire her to say, "[n]o one can arrive from being talented alone. God gives talent, work transforms talent into genius." Truly she was a genius, and to this day an inspiration to ballet students from all cultures, countries, and backgrounds, such as myself. By my own definition of courage, Pavlova's desire to rise above shortcomings and undesirable circumstances to achieve her goals makes her one of the most courageous people to have ever

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