Growth-Related Output Metrics Experiment

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Introduction Nutrition is one of the most important factors in the growth of animals. Every single animal has specific nutrient requirements depending on genetic factors, body size, and age. In this experiment, it was crucial to know the exact nutrient and energy requirement of the animals being tested on to ensure proper nutrition and care for the animals. To determine the requirements of the animals, it was necessary to know the breed in which the animals were categorized, what stage of growth they were in, and what factors wanting to be tested. The focus of the experiment was on growth-related output metrics in order to determine the effect it has in the growing stage of the animals being tested on. Limiting amino acids play an essential role in the synthesis of protein. Limiting amino acids are those that are crucial…show more content…
These results could have been due to experimental error. During the span of the experiment, chicks were euthanized due to an inability to survive in the conditions they were living in. The chicks living in these same cages could have felt stressed or nervous during this time causing them to eat more. In addition, there could have been calculation errors in the feed that was consumed or in the weight of the feed that was given, causing the numbers to appear higher or lower. This diet had the lowest gain to feed ratio because the chicks had a high feed intake, but the amount of feed consumed did not reflect in the weight gain. By looking at the data, the ADG did not increase when there was an increase in feed intake. Comparing treatment 1 with treatment 2 shows that Methionine is not a major amino acid that influences the muscle growth of chicks. However, with an increase in the amount of amino acid in the diet, the growth of the chicks increased when compared to the control

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