Greek Polis Analysis

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In 750 B.C., Greece began to stabilize after “the sea people invaded mainland Greece” (“Warring City-States” 117). Polis, or city-state, became the basic political unit of ancient Greece. One polis contained less than 20,000 residents and controlled 50-500 square miles of territory. Business was conducted at the agora, which is also know an an acropolis (“Warring City-States” 115). There are many ways to rule a Greek polis. These different ideas on government helped influence later societies. One way to rule a polis is a monarchy. This was a polis is ruled by a king. In this type of government, rule is inherited and rulers declared divine right. It was practiced in Mycenae in 1450 B.C (“Warring City-States” 117). This was similar to the type…show more content…
These forms of government contributed politically to our society today. In 621 B.C., Draco, a Greek lawmaker, wrote “the first legal code”, which addressed many unfair practices such as contracts and property ownership (“Warring City-States” 117). Solon, a trusted statesman, let citizens debate political policies in assembly and he allowed citizens to press charges against any wrongdoers (“Warring City-States” 117). These forms of government also contributed socially to our society. For example, it kept each polis in uniform, and it kept order and reform in the polis itself. In Athens, citizens participated directly in decision making but not everyone was part of it (“Warring City-States” 117). In an excerpt from Oeconomicus, Xenophon says, “You will need to stay indoors… The greatest joy of all will be to prove yourself… a better helpmate to myself and to the children, a better guardian of our home, so will your honor increase... [By being dutiful] you will enjoy your food, grow vigorous in health, and your complexion will in very truth be lovelier.” This excerpt shows that a husband expected his wife to center her life around home and the family. Moreover, these forms of government contributed to society in an economical way. Solon outlawed debt slavery so the people of Athens didn’t have to work as a slave to repay debt (“Warring City-States” 117). Solon also encouraged export of grapes and olives,

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