Gilbert Tuhabonye

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his memoir was by Gilbert Tuhabonye called The Voice in my Heart.Which Takes place in Burundi, Africa and the United States. When Gilbert Tuhabonye was in high school his life was changed forever when the civil war against the Hutu and the Tutsi ,two different tribes in Burundi, erupted after the assassination of their president. To get their revenge the Hutus attacked the school that Gilbert Tuhabonye was attending.The Hutus massacred hundreds of Tutsi children in the genocide that ravaged their country. Even though Gilbert Tuhabonye’s faith was tested again and again amidst his troubling circumstance his faith and the voice in his heart aided him in his survival. Gilbert Tuhabonye takes about his faith in God many times in this memoir.…show more content…
This shows that his is trusting in God to get him through this or that even if he does die that he has been saved and well go to heaven. In another part of his memoir he said “ Faith in God has always played a major part in my life”(pg.88). That statement is proven over and over again in his memoir like when he gets baptized showing the reader how important his faith is to him. The Voice in My Heart, the title of his memoir, is very important to Gilbert Tuhabonye also, that voice keep him going, that voice gave him the strength to endure the pain. When he was in the gas station and it was getting burned down his said “ A strange calm descended on me. Despite how horrific the situation was, I felt tranquil. I heard the voice in my heart say,”” Do not worry. You will survive. Gilbert, you will be fine””(pg. 152). That voice in his heart calmed him down enough to be able to think straight and keep himself safe. After he realized that he was the last Tutsi alive he fell into a depression and attempted to kill himself twice. By jumping down on to concrete head first but both times his reflexes prevented him from going through with it. But the voice in his heart again told him to stop he needed to survive to make sure that the Hutus were punished for their
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