George Orwell's Propaganda Under A Dictatorship

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In “Propaganda under a Dictatorship”, Aldous Huxley states that Hitler respected the Catholic Church because of its ability to control its members, and its understanding of human nature and how to manipulate it to the Church’s advantage. He admired the Catholics’ use of a monastic rule, the abandonment of pleasure to fully devote one’s self to spiritual work. However, Hitler didn’t want to establish a monastic rule for God’s sake, but instead “for the sake of the State and for the greater glory and power of the demagogue turned Leader” (Huxley 2). Similar to how Hitler was the face of the Nazi party, in his book 1984, George Orwell creates a figure known as Big Brother, who becomes face of the Party. Hitler believed that citizens’ roles in society should benefit their leader, while Orwell criticizes totalitarian society by illustrating the effects of controlling the Party members’ loyalties and coercing them to worship Big Brother. Leader worship is a form of loyalty that is established by arranging relationships and channeling emotions back into the party.…show more content…
However, they acknowledge that private loyalties will often surpass party loyalties. In order to prevent private loyalties from forming, the Party arranges marriages and families. The only purpose of marriage is to “beget children for the service of the Party” (Huxley 65). Children serve by spying on their parents and making sure that their parents’ primary loyalty is to the Party. While proles are still considered part of the Oceania society, they aren’t party members. This means that they don’t have to be loyal to the Party and Big Brother; they can honor their own personal loyalties. The fact that the proles do not worship a leader is one reason why Winston believes that if change were to happen, it would start with the
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