Gender Differences In The Summoner's The Canterbury Tales

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Why it that throughout Medieval literature, characters are portrayed to have homosocial and homoerotic bonds? Is it meant for more of a satirical standpoint, rather than a serious one? These types of same-sex relationships are present throughout many of Geoffrey Chaucer’s works, especially in The Summoner’s Tale. While The Summoner’s Tale is a direct reprisal on the Friar who slanders the Summoner in his own tale, this tale is in turn meant to generalize Friars. The stereotypical portrayal of Friars in this tale is directed as a way expose the corruption of the church. We can see this through analyzing the main characters and recognizing the existence of same-sex doubles and transgressive sexuality in The Summoner’s Tale. Similarly, both Thomas…show more content…
Friar John becomes jealous of Thomas when he tells him he is seeking other friars for prayer. The Friar proceeds to feel as if he is not good enough for Thomas. “The frere answerde, "O Thomas, dostow so? / What nedeth yow diverse freres seche? / What nedeth hym that hath a parfit leche / To sechen othere leches in the toun? / Youre inconstance is youre confusioun. / Holde ye thanne me, or elles oure covent, / To praye for yow been insufficient?” (1954-1960). If homoerotic and homosocial individuals, such as Thomas and Friar John did not have an emotional connection to one other, then they would fail to feel this way. Friar John’s characteristics and personality represent the uttermost qualities of transgressive sexuality. He leads a double life in many ways, from constituting an affair with Thomas’ wife to violating the patriarchal norms of society. This double life aspect of Friar John generates an idea of sexual experimentation. His character allows him to be interpreted and construed in many ways. He is portrayed to his peers as being a faithful monk and loyal husband, but in reality is conspicuously the complete opposite. “Freres and feendes been but lyte asonder. / For, pardee, ye han ofte tyme herd telle / How that a frere ravysshed was to helle / In spirit ones by a visioun; / And as an angel ladde hym up and doun, / To shewen hym the peynes that

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