How Does Julius Caesar Determine His Fate

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Fate is when an event happens beyond someone’s control, it was destined to happen. Epic of Gilgamesh is a story that is all about fate and free will. Gilgamesh is a man who wanted to change his destiny as a mortal and obtain immortality. Eventually, he did not achieve his goal. Destiny predetermined his fate. This is related to Julius Caesar in the fact that both Gilgamesh and Caesar wanted to be immortal but failed to achieve this. Due to Calpurnia’s dream, the animal with no heart, and Artemidorus’s letter it can be concluded that the events that happened in Julius Caesar were based on fate. It was fate for Julius Caesar when Calpurnia had a dream of him being killed when it came true later that day. Calpurnia asked Caesar to stay home that day because she believed that her dream was some kind of warning that something bad was going to happen. Caesar didn’t think anything was going to happen just because his wife had a dream of him being assassinated. He didn’t want the Romans to think of him as a coward so he didn’t listen to his wife and went to the capitol. “It ranks and squadrons and right form of war, which drizzled blood upon the capitol.”- Calpurnia (Julius Caesar page 73)…show more content…
They would not have you to stir forth to-day. “Plucking the entrails of an offering forth, they could not find a heart within the beast.” –Servant (Julius Caesar page 75) Since Calpurnia was paranoid about her dream Caesar demanded a sacrifice that would be used to protect him from anything bad that could happen. When they found that there was no heart the servant says that Caesar shall not go forth. Since there was no heart they could not continue the sacrifice which means that Caesar wouldn’t be protect so Calpurnia tried to convince Caesar to stay home until Decius Brutus came and convinced him to not be a coward and to go to the

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