Difference Between Isotomic And Dynamic Contraction

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ISOTONIC & ISOMETRIC CONTRACTIONS ISOTONIC (Dynamic) contraction involve using pressure to produce movement to either lengthen or shorten the Muscles, it also involve Joint movement. There are two basic movements: (25) 1. Concentric is when the distance between the Limb of the Arm becomes shorter from one end to the other, which occur when the Primary (agonist) Muscle generate a greater force than the Opposing (antagonist) Muscle. For example curling a dumbbell is regarded as Concentric because the Bicep the Primary mover contracts becoming shorter. 2. Eccentric is when the Opposing (Antagonist) Muscles generate a greater force than the Primary muscle, reversing movement causing the…show more content…
This is due to the tension created through contraction which develops the fibers in the muscles that are stretched. However tension is only maintain until fatique sets in, the longer the muscles can create tension the more strength it gains, but this unique movement doesn't increase muscle size. This stretch also help the muscles retain their longest elasticity that was achieved during the movement. The Isometric stretch is effective in reducing pain in the same executed location. Isometric contractions can also be used simultaneously with Isotonic contractions, for example when performing squats, pushups, or lifting weights overhead while utilizing the Back muscles which acts as the opposing force to keep the upper body aligned or in a fixed

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