Full Day Kindergarten

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A full day of learning in kindergarten will contribute to school readiness by providing children with a solid foundation for Grade 1. The Ontario FDK program emphasizes that play-based learning is an integral part to engaging children in all aspects of their environment. With a mandatory FDK program, children are exposed daily to play-based learning where they will develop lifelong critical thinking and communication skills. Children are also exposed to an environment that encourages their natural desire to learn; promoting self-regulation, numeracy, literacy, and scientific concepts necessary for Grade 1 success (“Intentional, Play-Based Learning” 2012). With FDK being implemented throughout all Ontario schools, critics fear “that full-day kindergarten puts too much academic pressure on children in the early stages of their education” ("Ontario Government to Introduce” 2009). Although this is a concern for many, it is important to remember that there are optimal…show more content…
Children who engage in more child-to-child interactions in a full-day learning environment will have greater social skills, and a more prominent self-concept ("Full Day Kindergarten” 2008). However, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development suggests that children from low-income families are less likely to develop the same level of skills as those from more advantaged backgrounds, and will often experience developmental delays, prominently in areas of literacy and self-regulation (McCaffrey 2008). To compensate for such delays, full-day learning will offer children from low-income families the same opportunities for success in an environment that supports social, emotional, and cognitive development. Ultimately, allowing all children to socialize, and gain new experiences with peers of diverse backgrounds is an essential benefit to a mandatory FDK

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