Susan Blow Research Paper

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Have you ever wondered who opened the first public kindergarten? Have you ever said to yourself “Why do we have to go to school anyways?” Thanks to Susan Blow, we now have public kindergartens for all children to start their education off right! Susan Blow was born in Missouri in 1843, and she was the first lady in history to open the first public kindergarten for young children to learn and play (Gordon and Browne, 2011). She believed opening the first public kindergarten school would be a place where children could learn basic knowledge skills to help them learn and get an education. Before Susan Blow opened the very first public kindergartens, there were never any in schools for public students. Susan Blow caught my attention because…show more content…
Susan Blow relates to Early Childcare and Education in today’s world because now children are required to attend a kindergarten, and many families attend public schools because they can’t afford private ones. Children are required to attend school at a certain age and go to kindergarten and advance their way through school until 12th grade. They may eventually attend college if they choose to. As children learn everything in each grade level, they can learn and grow and develop to become smarter individuals in the…show more content…
Susan Blow had many other philosophers follow her footsteps in creating and opening schools, nursery schools, and even daycares. There were many philosophers that built upon Blow’s studies of teaching and schooling methods. Blow didn’t open a kindergarten all by herself, in fact Dr. William Torrey Harris helped with the production. Harris was the superintendent of all the St. Louis public schools. Blow’s father asked Harris to help make the first public school kindergarten be a success and open an “experimental kindergarten” to see how everything would work in a setting like this (Trout, Kemp and Hartke). When the experimental kindergarten was opened it was a success and in September of 1873 Blow opened the first public school kindergarten called Des Peres School in Carondelet (Froebel Web, 2004). Unlike many modern day classrooms the walls of a Blow classroom weren’t plain white, her classroom walls were very colorful and cheerful which made the classroom a fun learning environment for children (Shepley,

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