Was Slavery Good Or Evil

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Was slavery a benign or an evil institution? When it comes to that question if slavery was a benign or an evil institution many concepts come to mind. Several will believe slavery was benign and justifiable. Those who have a clear concept of slavery will agree that slavery was a vile institution. Slavery is a topic that is inhumane and brutal. Several years ago, slaves were not granted freedom for many years. Slavery is inequitable and reprehensible considering that it violates human rights and freedom of every slave. Furthermore, it proceeds with various amounts of physical and mental abuse that cannot be considered as a legitimate justification of moral or spiritual regulations. We all obtain natural rights and freedom we can’t be deprived…show more content…
Husbands, wives and children were separated from one another. Later on, they were sold to different people. Slaves didn’t have any say whether to stay as a family. They were most likely not to see eachother again. The path of travel consisted of atrocious circumstances that had to be endured. Either by boat or by wagon slaves didn’t have a comfortable or safe journey, to what was called “home.” Regardless of their feelings or circumstances slaves were forced to endure separations of their life and loved ones in a dreadful…show more content…
Let them know the heart of the poor slave - learn his secret thoughts - thoughts he dare not utter in the hearing of the white man; let them sit by him in the silent watches of the night - converse with him in trustful confidence, of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." This quote makes a clear view of how a real slave endured the act of slavery. He lived many years being tortured and humiliated. Now, we take things for granted and we don’t have a clear concept of the suffrage people had to go through to have actual freedom. As read in the book 12 Years a Slave and shown in the movie which dealt with the book it shows the tragedies slaves had to go through. Not everyone will agree that slavery was a benign institution. On the other hand, it is an evil institution which isn’t justifiable. Those who have a clear concept will insist it is a vile
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