Follow-On Service Scholarship Essay

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A nobleman during the day and a common man by night; these are the two identities that I have struggled with for as long as I can remember. Conflicted with two polar identities, students often feel helpless. Their weak will and confusion with which I presented myself to society led the nobleman to take advantage. He offered to protect me from the mocking prattle of the outside world - to make me forget about the hurtful comments from my peers and social stigma regarding my family income. He wore a mask, disguising himself to fit the norms of society, and I naïvely followed his suit. "Come hang out with us! Try to have a life..." I would smile, hiding my hatred for their definition of "life" and put on my mask to appease my friends. I disregarded…show more content…
A goal I aim to accomplish with the aid of the Office of Minority Students’ Affair, The David T. Kearns Center and student led organisations such as the Black Students’ Union and the Douglass Leadership House at the University of…show more content…
My target populations are college students from diverse backgrounds who may or may not be receiving financial assistance from the institution. My purpose for not targeting minority students only is because i view this exercise as a educational forum to inform general campus about affording to study abroad and traveling to various countries through financial aid as well as the Gilman scholarship. In other words, my program though minority based will not be minority exclusive. I want to use myself as an example of having the opportunity to travel overseas and how I was able to fund my study abroad experience. My main focus is to also encourage students, who feel limited because of their financial needs, to never settle for less because of financial reasons and to always strive for personal growth while attending college. By striving for personal growth, I mean studying abroad in a foreign country and living among people whether or not they are the product of the challenges similar to one that they

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