False Love In Romeo And Juliet

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Their False Love In William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the influences that surround the two iconic star-crossed lovers play an important role in how the two make decisions throughout the story. Though Romeo's influences were mostly through people who knew the true Romeo and cared for that man, Juliet had to suffer under those who raised her, but did not know her as an individual. Lord and Lady Capulet and their affiliates all have unreliable, superficial love for Juliet that consequently damages her, regardless of what they originally intended. In the beginning, Lord Capulet began with high spirits, but the consequences of his lack of participation in Juliet's life as a father reveals itself as the play moves along. When Paris tells him he wants to marry Juliet, he says, "But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart./My will to her…show more content…
This shows that he begins wanting Juliet to be with who she wanted, and for her to be happy. A continuation of this behavior towards his daughter and her right to choose who she loves would have made Juliet less secretive, and therefore less risky later on, but Lord Capulet does no such thing. He completely abandons his earlier positive wishes for Juliet and lashes out on her, saying, “But, an you will not wed, I’ll pardon you./Graze where you will you shall not house with me./Look to’t, think on’t, I do not use to jest" (3.5.196-198). Lord Capulet essentially tells Juliet that if she does not marry Paris, he'll kick her out. If Juliet complied and married Paris, she would be committing polygamy, a serious, unforgivable sin. Due to previous lack of fatherly support, Juliet would never have chosen to tell him why she wouldn't want to refuse Paris' proposal, so her only options would be to lie and undergo a long, possibly dangerous process to get herself out of her situation. This proves to be unsuccessful when she dies with Romeo, so Lord Capulet later
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