The Fountainhead By Ayn Rand

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The words 'I' and 'We' are the most simplified form of identification, yet they have such powerful meanings behind them. 'I' shows self-recognition; it represents individualism and independence while 'we' shows a form of collectivism and in some ways dependence on others. "The word 'we'… is the word by which the depraved steal from the virtue of the good [and] by which the weak steal the might of the strong." Ayn Rand's philosophy on objectivism shows her support to the individualist who will endure hardship to stay true to his belief of self-reliance. In her novel The Fountainhead, Rand applies her concept by using Howard Roark, the protagonist and individualist, who battles many adversaries, like the collectivist Ellsworth Toohey, in reach of his ultimate happiness.…show more content…
Roark, we're alone here. Why don’t you tell me what you think of me?" to which Roark replies, "But I don’t think of you." Roark does not seek the approval or recognition in others. He cares only of his own goals and excellence. He designs the buildings he choose by the sole purpose of he enjoys doing it. Roark does his work “for a simple, selfish reason- to seek the best.. not for [others] sake” but for his own (328). He pursues what he wants and denies what he does not, whether it is a person, a job, or even a thought. He cares not about what others think of him, nor does he care about thinking for another’s

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