Examples Of Power In Macbeth

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Prospect of one’s power in Shakespeare’s Macbeth In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Macbeth’s speech, in act 4, scene 1, 159-170 exemplifies, that a person’s desire for power can lead to one making poor decisions. After previously killing Duncan and becoming king, Macbeth’s selfish desires for power, and to always stay on top, becomes evident when he says “Seize upon Fife; give to the edge o’sword / His wife, his babes and all unfortunate souls”(4-1-166-167). When he is says this, he is saying that he will kill Macduff and his family, in furtherance of staying king. This is a representation of literal imagery, because it is showing the readers that he will indefinitely kill Macduff and his family, with the edge of his sword, in order to stay king and superior to everyone else. In this soliloquy, Macbeth says “The firstlings of…show more content…
This quote is very symbolic, as Shakespeare demonstrates that the heart symbolized Macbeth’s intentions, moral code and conscience; as he was contemplating killing Macduff and the hand symbolized the dagger that he would have to hold in his bare hands to execute Macduff. Ultimately regardless of what is morally correct, Macbeth will follow his heart, not his head and make a poor decision, which will sequentially impact his life and in hopes satisfy his aspirations for power. Throughout the rest of the play, there is an abounding amount examples, which portrays people, so desperate for power, that they will restrict themselves of the rights that they are entitled to or even betray loved ones to primarily stay superior. In the beginning of the play, when Lady Macbeth was desperate to become queen, she says that “Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be/ What thou art promised: yet do I fear thy nature; /It is too full o' the milk of human kindness/To catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great; /Art not without ambition, but without”

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