Examples Of Masculinity In Macbeth

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Masculinity in Macbeth The characters in Macbeth are constantly preoccupied with issues of gender. The play has an overall theme of masculinity. There are many scenes where masculinity is used to manipulate someone into doing something. It was once considered the more bloodthirsty and violent you were, the more manly you would be considered. Lady Macbeth uses her gender as a way to influence her husband. Macbeth convinces the hired murderers to kill Banquo and his son by questioning their manhood. During those times, men were considered better than women. This is first expressed in the play when Lady Macbeth does not contradict Macbeth when he tells her that a woman like her should have given birth to boys. One aspect of masculinity in the play is its dominance over femininity. The first women introduced in the play are the witches. They are said to be women, but they have aspects that characterize their virility. When they meet Macbeth for the first time, Banquo asks him why does he “start and seem to fear” (Mac. 1.3. 51) their words. Although this isn’t executed directly in the play, Macbeth has a desire to be more powerful and masculine over the witches. He shows this by killing Banquo, whose heirs were prophesied by the witches to receive the crown. He is able to summon the witches, and demands answers of them even when they ask him to “seek to know no more” (Mac. 4.1. 103). They show him visions…show more content…
Macduff tells Macbeth that he was not born of a woman. Macbeth answers, "Accursed be that tongue that tells me so, / For it hath cow'd my better part of man!" (5.8.17-18). Macduff has made him feel fear, and to Macbeth's way of thinking, the "better part of man" is courage. Later in the same scene, Ross tells Siward the news of his son's death: Your son, my lord, has paid a soldier's debt: He only lived but till he was a man; The which no sooner had his prowess

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