Character Analysis Of Lady Macbeth

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Macbeth Act I “You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain” - Harvey Dent, Batman. After Macbeth comes out of battle as victorious, he meets three witches who tell him he will become “Thane of Cawdor” and “king hereafter” (Macbeth 1.3.51 - 52). However, he discovers that Malcolm, King Duncan’s son, will be king when Duncan dies. Macbeth’s impatience and greed drives him to contemplate killing Duncan in order to become king. These homicidal thoughts cause a kind of inner turmoil to fester and consume Macbeth with dark thoughts. Although Macbeth is a war hero and is regarded highly by the king, due to his lack of confidence in his masculinity, Lady Macbeth is able to see his insecurities and use them to…show more content…
He shows his loyalty and honor for the king by complimenting the qualities he possesses. This is proof that he does not want to kill the king, however, his wife somehow persuades him into doing it anyway. She does this by using his instability, vulnerability, and emasculation to manipulate him into thinking that killing is the right answer despite all of the consequences. Lady Macbeth is successful in convincing Macbeth, however, she isn’t as successful as she had hoped she would be. She has a feeling that he still has some doubts, but she is blinded by her own greed for power. Lady Macbeth is shown as a manipulative person who fuels her greed from feeding off of her so-called ambition. For…show more content…
She shows her ambition and devotion to Macbeth and him becoming king. Ultimately, Lady Macbeth comes off as very manipulative and careless when it comes to the thing she wants most. Although Macbeth understands that killing Duncan is not the right way to handle this, Macbeth chooses to hide his doubts and go through with the plan to avoid appearing cowardly in front of his wife. When she says, “When you durst do it, then you were a man; / And to be more than what you were, you would / Be so much more the man. Nor time nor place / Did then adhere, and yet you would make both,” she is provoking Macbeth by saying that he is not man enough to kill the king and that is what makes him so weak (1.7.49-52). This is where he begins to feel more insecure about his manliness, so he goes along with the plan to try and hide his insecurities that are embedded within his “manhood.” From this, the reader can see that Macbeth is very insecure about his masculinity and that he would do anything, even kill, to hide that. This also shows that Lady Macbeth has a lot of power over him, which causes him to be a pushover when it comes to

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