Examples Of Heroism In The Outsiders

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Concomitant with twenty-first century society are the premises or assumptions that heroes are fictitious creatures with extraordinary strength whose existence is limited to Sunday morning cartoons. It is seen, however, in the speculative coming-of-age novel, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton that this may very well be a spurious statement. The curious story opens with one of the main protagonists, Ponyboy Curtis, narrating an introduction to his life as a fourteen-year-old gang member living in 1965 Tulsa, Oklahoma, as he walks home from the movies. An originally pleasant encounter with two Social girls marks the beginning of serious trouble between Ponyboy’s gang, the Greasers, and their polar opposite from the East: the Socials. This social tension…show more content…
Although his reputation as a criminal predominantly defines his character, he is also portrayed as a brotherly, if not fatherly, familial figure towards youngsters such as Johnny and Ponyboy. For the two, he fulfills their inalienable right to family and its benefits, thus allowing them to soar high __________. The theme of Dally as a savior is further revisited in the mentality that Dally is a contributor to family wholeness. Though he cannot save himself, he, like many fathers, wishes the best for those under his custody, meaning he would sacrifice himself to better the lives of his adopted posterity. An indication of this would be, as Ponyboy describes, the instance in which Dally is saying to a very sad Johnny: “Johnny, I ain't mad at you. I just don't want you to get hurt. You don't know what a few months in jail can do to you. Oh, blast it, Johnny...you get hardened in jail. I don't want that to happen to you. Like it happened to me..." (Hinton). __________. In addition, Dally’s bettering of other individuals also extends beyond his intention. As Ponyboy comments in a conversation with Cherry, Social girl, “You [Socials] don’t feel anything and we feel too violently” (Hinton). And yet one single encounter with Dally is enough to psychologically alter Cherry for the better. Her last words to Ponyboy, upon departure, are: “I could fall in love with with Dallas Winston. I hope I never see him again, or I will.” A few moments ago, Cherry had expressed agreement to Ponyboy’s statement, even confessing that “sometimes I'll catch myself talking to a girl-friend, and realize I don't mean half of what I'm saying,” but so strong is Dally’s charm and heroic quality that something as simple as a meeting with Dally is capable of sparking enough emotion in her for her to fall in love. It has therefore been proven that Dally is, indeed, a hero, for whether accidental or

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