Examples Of Foreshadowing In Macbeth

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The murder of duncan is one of the most important foreshadows of Macbeth. Mostly because this is the start of the problems in this story. Macbeth murders duncan because he has a problem.This problem is sleeplessness. He has a lot of trouble sleeping. He has a goal in life to become king. He will do whatever he has to so that he can acheive this goal. Macbeth feels a lot of guilt and paranoia after the death of Duncan. although he does feel this way he has no hesitation that he wont murder again. Because he will. He will murder again until he acheives his goal of becoming king. Because Macbeth has no hesitation he ends up murdering someone else. His name is Banqou. The other man he tried to murder had gottten away. his relationship with

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