Examples Of Feminism In Frankenstein

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Mary Shelly's novel Frankenstein came out at a time where women were considered inferior to men. Women were seen as simple housewives, mothers, sisters, daughters, there to keep balance in the household and be protected by the men that carried the weight of everything in society. So in many ways, Shelly's novel was not only one of the first science fiction/horror novels ever written, but it could also be said that Frankenstein is an early example of feminism in popular media. From the author's upbringing to the portrayal of female characters in the novel, it is often overlooked how important this novel was for feminism because of the association the reading public in general has with the male leads of the story. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley…show more content…
Justine was another character that was adopted by the Frankenstein family when Victor was young. When she grows up she eventually becomes the servant of Victor and Elizabeth after they marry. This character presents an interesting glimpse into the justice system at the time. It makes me wonder if the name of the character, Justine, stemmed from the word justice. To an extent the descriptions of Justine are similar to those of both Caroline and Elizabeth. Caroline was attached to Justine and Justine grew up to be much like Caroline. Justine was very much loved by the Frankenstein family. But tragedy strikes when the monster kills William and frames Justine for the murder. Justine is arrested for the murder and goes through a trial. This is a turning point in the story. While Elizabeth believes Justine is innocent because of her characteristics, Victor believes she is innocent because he suspects the monster committed the…show more content…
She shows incredible strength in her final moments when she says "I do not fear to die, that pang is past. I leave a sad and bitter world; and if you remember me, and think of me as of one unjustly condemned, I am resigned to the fate awaiting me. Learn from me, dear lady, to submit in patience to the will of Heaven!" as Elizabeth and Victor are visiting her and learns of her false confession and her death sentence. The murder of William and eventual death of Justine as a consequence is a turning point of the story because the violent reaction of the monster could be interpreted as him doing harm to Justine because he could not posses her, while at the same time her death pushes further the story for Victor, who is anguished that Justine met her death unjustly, and that he may have been able to save her f he had spoken up about the

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