Examples Of Cross Dressing In Twelfth Night

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Thomas, Catherine. "Nunn's Sweet Transvestite: Desiring Viola in Twelfth Night." Journal Of Popular Culture 306.306 (2008): 6-10. Print. This article discusses a relatively newer topic in the community of literary criticism. This discusses a subcategory of queer theory. They start of by discussing an earlier criticism of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night that idealized the cross dressing of Viola in the play Twelfth Night. It goes on to discuss the fact that in the previous criticism the writer said the only reason for the gender bend was to develop the “regular” couples in the story. They also go on to discuss how in the movie adaption of the play they purposely employ certain storytelling techniques in order to cause the audience to question the…show more content…
Then it goes on to discuss how the inclusion of three different time periods caused…show more content…
The entire article starts off with the author discussing their experiences with the cross dressing and gender bending that would take place in many of the Shakespearean plays that required. She discusses how she had a teacher that made them only wear small articles of their actual clothing only to signify their character not the gender of the character. It then discusses how cross dressing was not just for the comedic effect. It also affected the overall tone of the play. It would affect the tone of the performances that the actors would give. Them trying to ensure that they gave what they thought would be the correct inflection affected how the entire performances would go. She then goes on to discuss how she is going to be connecting queer theory and Shakespeare’s play Twelfth Night. She starts off with the example of how the play starts off with how when Viola first finds herself shipwrecked she disguises herself as the young man Cesario. This leads to a lot of sexual confusion among many of the characters that come into contact with Viola/Cesario. She has not only Lady Olivia fall in love with her but she also gains the affections of Orsino. This is the main idea for the rest of article. How Shakespeare used the gender bending in the play to better

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