Keep Memory Alive Analysis

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Our world today makes it hard to stand up for what is good, but if we do not then what has happened in the past will keep repeating.In the past, many shocking events have been the main cause of unrest throughout history. All that was needed is for the oppressed, and the people watching to stand up and take over the oppressor. But instead, people decided to be afraid and not say anything, instead of standing up for the good. Keep Memory Alive, by Elie Wiesel, and Uproots of a Japanese-American Family, by Yoshiko Uchida, show how if we would just stand up we would not have humans being treated as less than others. If you were to just help one person each day, and stand up for someone who is under oppression. To stand up for the good is to not be neutral. For instance when the Nazis were killing being neutral never helped the victims. Elie Wiesel, who wrote, Keep Memory Alive, talked about standing up for good. Wiesel even said “neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.” What this means is that you need to take a side or the only person you will help is the oppressor. Although there were a few people that acted…show more content…
And people killing other people is all you hear in the history books. And most of this is because no one will stand up for the oppressors. If we would just stand up for the people being tortured and killed the world would improve so much. But since there is not anyone to stand up for the people the horrible people doing this will never stop hurting everyone. We could end all the pain the world has today by just helping others. If we would just stand up for the people who are being hurt. Do not be neutral because that helps the oppressor, and never the oppressed. Elie Wiesel and Yoshika Uchida wil never forget what happened to them, and they both would agree that we cannot let the torture, pain, and suffering go unheard. That is because if we forget then history will repeat

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