Examples Of Conscience In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee explores the themes of conscience, courage and conviction through the eyes of Jean Louise Finch (Scout). Over the 3 years of the story Scout experiences many events beyond her years including racism, prejudice and injustice. As Scout Matures she begins to comprehend the ways of Maycomb county throughout the Great Depression and the social structure in the town. Atticus Finch, the single father of Jem and Scout uses the events that take place as a chance to pass on his morals and values. Through Atticus’s teaching “Treat everyone equally; you’re no better than anyone else” Scout learns to never be prejudice and to respect everybody no matter what race they may be. Through this Scout learns that “the one thing that doesn’t abide by the majority rule is a persons conscience”. Maycomb County throughout the Great Depression was one similar to most others in America.…show more content…
While Atticus was aware of the social class structure he is one of the few characters in the novel who did not accept or support the social class and accepted everybody as equals no matter how poor or what race they were. He teaches Scout and Jem to pay no attention to this social structure and explains why it exists. "Are we poor Atticus?”.”We are indeed”.”Are we as poor as the Cunninghams?" "Not exactly. the Cunninghams are country folks, farmers and the crash hit them the hardest”. Scout does not understand entirely and is exposed to learning the prejudice ways of the County. She begins to follow the social class and starts to judge people on what category they fit in as she does not yet have a conscience. However Atticus’s morals teach Scout on her journey to maturity the respect, empathy and justice in which she will need to overcome the most difficult part of her childhood, the conviction of the innocent Tom

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