Examples Of Betrayal In Othello

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In the play Othello by Williams Shakespeare illustrate the expressions and actions by various literary devices and shows the readers various angle of betrayal, jealousy, love and friendship. William Shakespeare created one of the most convoluted and twisted form of writing during his time. Shakespeare shows examples of how jealousy can drive individuals to fight for what the individual desire. The play even shows different aspects of betrayal and misconceptions among the characters. This essay will further contemplate how the first oration in a section from Act One, Scene One explains so much about the play “Othello”. In the excerpt in Act One, Scene One, Shakespeare using his master skills presents the ability to craft the whole plot for the readers to understand one of the protagonist’s evil desires.…show more content…
Shakespeare created one of the most heinous villains in history. Iago is fascinating for his ironic characteristics. He is an excellent judge of different people and their characteristics. The most interesting and round character in the tragic play of Othello is the “honest Iago”. This essay will further contemplate how the first soliloquy helps the readers understand the true color of Iago. This being the first monologue, Iago reveals much about himself. His complex personality and his desire to do the evil are clearly seen in this monologue. He is using people’s weakness about insecurities for his own benefit. He also enjoys causing sorrow to others. The monologue give the readers a overview of a tragic plot of Othello in fringes on the ability of the villain, Iago, is the master to mislead other characters, especially Rodrigo and Othello, by encouraging them to misunderstand what they

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