Examples Of Archetype In Fahrenheit 451

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Far into the future, in a corrupted, dystopian society, the people dwell in a world restricted and handicapped, where censorship from the government controls their every act and thought. This manipulation through fear removes any ounce of joy they have left. Ray Bradbury in his novel Fahrenheit 451, uses archetypes of the task and rebirth to present that ignorance is not bliss, and actually fighting for what you want is true happiness, provided by knowledge and revelation. One vital element of happiness is knowing what your are fighting for, and having the passion with you to fight for it. Through the use of the task archetype, Montag achieves his goals to fend for his own happiness, unlike those who disregard their surroundings and remain in the dark. According to Fahrenheit…show more content…
That was his goal to escape the harsh reality he was a part of. As a fireman, he knows more about books and literature than the average person of Montag's society. This amount of knowledge was extremely overwhelming for him to handle, and even through his status and acceptance in society, he knowledge of books made him anxious, as even he feared the government. Ironically, even though he is the complete opposite of ignorant, his astounding information on books and his fear drove him insane, leading him to his strong desire to die. Similar to Beatty, Montag encounters another knowledgeable figure, overcome by his cowardice. As said by Bradbury, “Montag leaned forward. 'This afternoon, I though that if books turned out worthwhile, we might get a press and print some copies-' 'We?' 'You and I' 'Oh no! If you insist on telling me, I must ask you to leave'”(Fahrenheit 451, 81). In the story, Faber is a mentor Montag enlists to help him gain knowledge about books and help him on his journey, because he is trustworthy and credible as an old English professor. Faber has many goals

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