A Rhetorical Analysis Of George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Animal Farm Rhetorical Analysis Essay There is always an oppressed and an oppressor; the poor and the rich, the young and the old, the literate and the illiterate, and above all where the differences are most found, the human and the not human. George Orwell's main intention in writing Animal Farm is to shows the parallels it has with the Russian Revolution in order to carry over the theme of corruption in socialist ideals. In order to encourage the trade between animals and humans, Squealer persuades the animals to question what evidence they have for opposing trade by using rhetorical strategies: scapegoating and distraction. In persuading the animals that trade with their enemy is acceptable, Squealer uses Scapegoating. Squealer says, “It was pure imagination, probably traceable in the…show more content…
Have you any record of such a resolution? Is it written 
down anywhere?"(46-47). Before Napolean decides to make trade acceptable, shortages begin to occur. The animals are suffering from a lack of basic materials and in order to raise living standards and finish the windmill, Napolean made a decision to trade with the farms nearby. By placing this problem on Snowball, the animals found it easier to except trade. The animals find comfort in Squealer ideas without given evidence because of their greater sense of honor and dignity that came along with the songs and speeches about improvement. Therefore, the blame on Snowball made it easier to accept that it could not have been the farm’s intention to go against rules set entirely for improving their position. The animals react by concluding that they have been mistaken due to the realization that Snowball; the traitor is

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