Exaggeration In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet is entirely a play about young lovers as well as old rivalries. But the play does not tell the roots of the ancient grudge between Copulets and Montagues, though it is somehow central to the action. Romeo and Juliet are capable of seeing the past, each others surname, but this cannot be said for the other characters around them. The conflict between families illustrate the concern between conflicting generations, which was an ancient grudge. The older order attempt to inflict their will on their children, while the pair of star-crossed lovers strives to conquer the strict social responsibilities put in place for them. But does the teenage rebellion against their parents as seen through Romeo and Juliet demonstrate how Shakespeare…show more content…
Change can only occur if the individuals accept it. Shakespeare makes the young lovers so young even beyond his source, while exaggerating how old their parents are whereby he says that the Old Capulet just requires a crutch and not a sword. Clearly, this widens the gap between generations, as hot-blooded youths believe very distinct ideas about passion and love than their seniors. Such clashes are important today as they were in the 16th century United Kingdom. Nevertheless, Shakespeare competence lies in narrating his story without clearly disclosing firmly on either side, leaving the audience to think for themselves about how family connections and personal feelings can overlap and crisscross, sometimes with vicious outcomes. Through this, Shakespeare wants the reader to accept the fact that generation changes with time, and what applies to previous generations cannot still apply to the current generation. It is for this reason that the Old Capulets is exaggerated holding a crutch rather than a sword, maybe because he cannot fight or does not have enough energy to fight. Thus, he is fighting a loosing battle that of
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