Native American Struggles

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Before Columbus arrived in the United States, Native Americans were the only people living in the New World today known as the United States of America. As more European settlers came to the new world, they started taking over Native Americans land. Native Americans believed that the land belonged to no one, the Great Spirit made it for the use of Indians. But as time passed more and more Europeans and African slaves were coming to the new world, countries like France, Great Britain took control of certain lands of the continent, which has rich soil. The people in those areas started growing crops, corn, tobacco and other staff to be traded. Which was good for these countries Economy because they would place taxes on everything that was being…show more content…
As the government was trying to deal with the foes across the oceans, they were having problems in their own land with Native Americans. United States government wanting to better their economy decided they needed more land and farmers to grow crops, corn, tobacco and other stuff they can trade and use for themselves, so they turn their attention towards the land where Native Americans tribes were living. The federal government used many methods of taking over the native land, either by manipulating them into debts and forcing them to sell their land or just forcibly removing them from their homes to make them migrate to the west. Only a few of Europeans thought of the natives as equal, just because of religious differences, the way they dress and other characteristic that Europeans thought made them more superior than natives. Native American accepted some aspects of European people and rejected…show more content…
Many whites decided to buy the lands in Louisiana territory and other places where native lives which had rich soil so they can use those lands for growing corn, tobacco and other things which they can sell. The westward movement often had a devastating impact on the Native American lives, either they were forced to move from their land or to live in American culture with men farming and women staying home to do house chores. White thought of Indians as barbaric people who weren’t civilized like them and would burn in hell afterlife because they believed in a different religion. So the government wants to civilize native’s, sent agents to Indian tribes to teach Indian people about American culture. The Essay from Gregory Evans Dowd “Indian Utilizing a strategy of armed resistance” shows how Shawnee tribe leader Tecumseh and his brother the (prophet) Tenskwatawa attempted to unite all tribes to fight against white invasion. And the essay from Theda Perdue “ Indian utilizing a Strategy of Accommodation” analyzes the Cherokee tribe who accepted the “civilization” of American but were still forcibly removed from their houses. Many treaties that were made between the United States and Britain for the land never included any one that represented Indian people. United States gained the land and decided to use it for their economic growth without ever concealing with the native
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