The Ordinary People Movie Analysis

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The ordinary people is a story about a family who lost one of their son in a boat accident. Which leave the mother Beth, father Calvin and other son Conrad in regrets and cause detachment in the family. The ordinary people is about the teenaged brothers and their friend Karen. Conrad the youngest and Buck the oldest who was favored by the mother, were involved in a boat accident which cause Buck's life. The incident took a toll on Conrad which made him tried to commit suicide. He was hospitalize for four months. Conrad was a senior in high school who participated in the swim team and choir. Conrad met his friend Karen at the psychiatric ward. The family tries to get back their lives on track but it seems to be almost impossible for Conrad and Beth. After Conrad realize thing was getting worse he decided to see a psychiatric, Dr. Berger. This therapy may be able to resolve the family unhappiness and help them to work on their individual relationship together. The death of the older son deeply affect the relationships among the bitter mother, the good natured father, and the guilty son.…show more content…
In the movie Conrad told the therapist that he blamed his self for Buck’s death and his mother Beth hated him for the same reason and for what he did. Beth had a great relationship with Buck then with Conrad. After the death of Buck and Conrad attempted suicide Beth couldn’t deal with Conrad. When Buck died so did her love dies with him making it hard for her to cooperate with Conrad. She was cold and unaffectionate towards him. She's consistently more interested in getting back to normal than in helping her son heal. The father was more caring and concern about Conrad than the mother he just wanted Beth to forgive Conrad and bring back the family to normal but Beth was never able to forgive Conrad for attempting suicide. This whole scene cause a bigger conflict in the

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