Evangelical Ethics By John Jefferson Davis: Chapter Analysis

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In Evangelical Ethics, John Jefferson Davis provides guidance to Christians on ethical issues arising in today’s society. With the aid of these discussions supported by scripture, Davis wishes for Christians to have a biblical voice. Davis’ chapter on The Genetic Revolution is no different. Furthermore, Davis first provides the reader with a historical background on genetic technology and then with a Christian framework for ethical decisions surrounding the issues of genetic engineering. Davis begins with describing the historical timeline of findings and knowledge pertaining to genetics. Davis explains that Mendel was the first to lay the groundwork for the idea of the gene with his pea experiments in 1865 (Davis, 2004, p. 276). From Mendel’s…show more content…
I could not agree more with Davis’ explanation that because we are God’s Creation, our life is sacred and should be valued from the time of conception (p. 279). I think when man and science do not revere life it is like telling God that his Creation is not good enough. Furthermore, I had not considered Davis’ next words when he explains that the dust of which man is made of can be decoded into DNA but, the spirit cannot be reduced to such terms (p. 280). Instead, Davis writes that we are to be “understood only in terms of a relationship to God” (2004, p. 280). I think if most of society understood and had this relationship with God we would better understand the limits of science/man, and we would lift our needs to God instead of relying on our fallen selves and science. Ultimately, Davis explains that we are genetically stricken with disease and abnormalities because we are fallen; he says that as Christians we cannot expect to be rid of these ailments but through Christ and the New Creation (p. 280). I personally do not think that many people in society realize this; we put too much faith in science and medicine and not enough faith and understanding in the

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