The Pros And Cons Of Anti-Plagiarism Policy

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Draft (Version1.3: 15 April, 2015) Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) Anti-Plagiarism Policy 1. Preamble Plagiarism is an issue of serious concern in the academic and research circles. Viewed as an act of dishonesty, willful or otherwise, plagiarism has moral and ethical implications that vitiate the environment of trust and honesty and adversely impacts the esteem and prestige of the researchers and academicians on one hand and the organisations they belong to on the other. It is, therefore, imperative for any organization to put in place appropriate protocols to ensure a plagiarism free environment. The Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), an autonomous Council of the Ministry of Environment,…show more content…
The Council accords very high value to the reputation and credibility it has earned over the years in forestry research and in academic circles and would continue to adhere to high standards of research and publications in consonance with the accepted norms of professional ethics and honesty, and in view of the applicable legal provisions. The Council, therefore, views the issue of plagiarism with high concern and adopts the following anti-plagiarism policy with the objective to abate academic and scientific misconduct borne out of plagiarism and to create a plagiarism-free academic and research environment in the…show more content…
Definitions and Scope 2.1. Plagiarism: The Oxford dictionary describes plagiarism as "the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own". The Prentice Hall Reference Guide states that "Plagiarism results when a writer fails to document a source and presents the words and ideas of someone else as the writer's own work". In the research and academic circles, plagiarism is variously considered as ‘academic dishonesty’, ‘breach of professional conduct’, 'breach of academic ethics', etc. Based on the definitions given in various printed and online dictionaries, plagiarism can be summarized as: i) Willful use or appropriation of work or ideas of other persons’/ sources, published or unpublished, without due reference, credit or consent and its representation as one's own/ original work. ii) Using language, ideas and thoughts bearing close resemblance to someone else's language ideas or thoughts without giving due credit. In view of the above, the following would constitute plagiarism: i) Projecting or appropriating another person's work, often verbatim, as one's

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