Dolmabahçe Palace Essay

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About 6 months ago I had the chance to visit The Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul, Turkey. And I was fascinated by the design of the place and the history that it carried. When we were asked to use a topic to write about, the only thing that came to my mind was the palace. When I first did some research about the topic I didn’t find much to write about and I found it difficult to link it to our course concepts but after getting some help from my classmates I was able to get a better picture of what I need to write. So in this essay I will write an overview of the palace, how, when and for what purposes was it built for? Then I will mention how it was used and what’s the value of it and does it affect the history of the city. Later I will be linking it to the course concepts that I found the most relevant which are: 1.Studying material culture from social perspective 2.Professional cultures and socialization 3.Parks and landscape design 4.Traditional residential spaces and family life. Dolmabahçe Palace was manufactured by the thirty first Ottoman Sultan, Abdulmecid (1839-1861). The palace was brought into utilization on June 7th after completing the construction of the surrounding walls which started on June 13th, 1843. The royal residence primarily comprises of three sections, named as the Imperial Mabeyn (State…show more content…
It is centered in the middle of the city and everything else goes around it, where streets and building were modernized it still holds its old design. By holding the largest collection of Bohemian and Baccarat crystal chandeliers in the world including the largest bohemian crystal chandelier in the ceremonial hall and a collection of 202 oil paintings is on display, the palace has earned international recognition making it one of the most recognized landmarks in the

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