Trompenaars And Charles Hapden Turner Case Study

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Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden Turner Cultural Dimension. I decided to look at the seven other cultural dimension identified in 1997 in the book Riding the Waves of Culture by a management consultants by the name of Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden Turner. Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner developed the model after spending 10 years researching the preferences and values of people in dozens of cultures around the world. As part of this, they sent questionnaires to more than 46,000 managers in 40 countries. Their discoveries were that people from different cultures aren't just randomly different from one another; they differ in very specific, even predictable, ways. “This is because each culture has its own way of thinking, its own values and beliefs, and different preferences placed on a variety of different factors,” (Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, 1997). Below are the seven dimensions that Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner come up with:  Universalism versus particularism.…show more content…
In all their dealings, they based their emphasis on rules, which come before relationships. Thus, people believe that each circumstance, and each relationship, dictates the rules that they live by. Particularism: Is where people’s response to a situation may change, based on what's happening in the moment, and who's involved. Because Universalism follows rules to the dot, it will be wise to be ethical when advertising to them and make sure a product complies with the country’s regulations, products like electrical appliance would be benefit such a group as they have to pass the safety policy before been sold. While particularism can easily be convinced to buy a new product hence you can sell anything to

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