Essay On Stricter Gun Laws

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Stricter Gun Laws In The United States Have you ever thought about whether or not the United States should have stricter gun laws? Stricter gun laws is an extremely controversial topic in the United States because of the history, opposing viewpoints of different political parties, and the laws other countries have about this topic. Due to many mass shootings in the United States, there is a conflict on whether stricter gun laws should be put forth or not. Many people and politicians will debate about mental health background checks, criminal background checks, the banning of assault weapons, the licensing process to own or purchase a firearm, the Second Amendment, and the laws other countries have. Many people argue that putting forth stricter gun laws will reduce gun violence in the United States. However, others say that mental health is the issue, instead of firearms, therefore stricter gun laws should not be enforced.…show more content…
The history of different gun laws that have been created and the history of mass shootings lead to the controversy of stricter gun laws. The Republican party is against stricter gun laws, for reasons such as the Second Amendment saying that people have the right to bear arms. The Democratic party is for stricter gun laws, because they believe the Second Amendment does not provide unlimited rights to own a gun. Many people compare the current gun laws of the United States to gun laws of different countries, some say that the same laws could work with the United States, and some say that the laws won’t work. Do you believe the United States should have stricter gun laws? Clearly, stricter gun laws is a controversial topic in the United States regarding the history, opposing viewpoints of different political parties, and the laws other countries have about this

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