Essay On Shoes

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Athletics, also known as Track & Field Sports, is one of the widely-followed sports events. Hundreds & thousands of peoples are involved in athletics. There would hardly be a person, male or female, who has not ever participated in any type of athletics; it may be a walk, a marathon race and so on. Wearing the correct type of clothes and shoes is highly important in athletics. You cannot run with very tight clothes nor you can with very loose one. Same is the case with shoes. So, selection of correct type and size of shoes is your key to success. A pair of shoes which gives your feet protection against all odds plus giving a soothing effect to your feet would be an ideal selection. Types Of Shoes Let us see how you can select right athletic…show more content…
For each such sports, specially designed shoes are available the in market. You need to buy one for the sports you are planning to play. Remember, shoes designed for football cannot be used to play basketball. So, be careful in your selection. Types Of Feet Different people have different types of feet or you can say, different people have different style of walking / running or landing their feet, while walking even in normal life. Broadly, these can be categorized as Overpronator, Neutral & Supinator. Specialized shoes are manufactured for each type of feet. Overpronator – if you have the tendency of hitting the surface with an inward roll, you are overpronator. So, you need to buy “motion control shoes” that are manufactured by providing dual density midsoles, which provides inside support Neutral – Most of the people have Neutral type of feet, landing the feel the on surface just in normal way, without any inside or outside roll. If you have this tendency, Stability Shoes is the right selection for you. Supinator – Contrary to the Overpronator, some people hit the surface with an outward roll of their feet. Here Cushioning shoes are the right solution. These types of shoes have additional support on the mid or outer sole of
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