Four Noble Truths Of Buddhism Essay

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The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism Being one of the largest religions in the world, Buddhism started off as a philosophy that recognizes the presence of suffering throughout living, and the only way to be released from it is to practice the Noble Eightfold Path as explained by the Buddha. The Buddha, founder of Buddhism, taught the Four Noble Truths and interdependent arising which made up the heart of Buddhism. The First Noble Truth is a pessimistic teaching that suggests the futility of life. However, the next three Truths identifies the cause, methods and objective to bring Buddhism out of its nihilistic tone. In this essay, I will be discussing about the nihilism suggested by the First Noble Truth, and analyze how the other three and gives life a meaning. The First Noble Truth of Buddhism states that ‘to be is to suffer’. This means that as long as we are alive, we will inevitably face suffering all the time. In this context, the word ‘suffer’ has a deeper meaning beyond physical pain, which can be represented by three levels of Duhkha (suffering). At the first level, the usual suffering of pain and sorrow are general examples such as birth, sickness, death, and the unpleasant or unsatisfied desires. When a mother gives birth, she experiences…show more content…
This leads us to the Third Noble Truth of Buddhism. Because desires lead to more wants, giving up our wants, for instance, the smartphone, will allow us to terminate our desires and effectively cease suffering as well. By understanding interdependence arising and giving up our wants, we can ultimately achieve peacefulness (Nirvana), which is the eventual goal of Buddhism. Thus, the Third Noble Truth of Buddhism recognizes that the removal of the cause of suffering will lead us to freedom from it and partake in a joyous life. This Truth examines the possibility of freedom from suffering and brings Buddhism further away from

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