Essay On Pararescue

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The career chosen for this project is Pararescue (PJ). Pararescue started in World War 2 on the American side and the first use is as follows. “The history of Pararescue began in August of 1943, when 21 persons bailed out of a disabled C-46 over an uncharted jungle near the China-Burma border. So remote was the crash site that the only means of getting help to the survivors was by paradrop. Lieutenant Colonel Don Fleckinger and two medical corpsmen volunteered for the assignment. This paradrop of medical corpsmen was the seed from which the concept of Pararescue was born. For a month these men, aided by natives, cared for the injured until the party was brought to safety. News commentator Eric Severeid was one of the men to survive this ordeal. He later wrote of the men who risked their lives to save his: "Gallant is a precious word; they deserve it".” (U.S. Military Special Operations Forces,1). The Air Force special forces (PJ, CRO, and…show more content…
If you pick this field, selecting an Air Force base won’t be much of a priority since it’s limited to few bases. The first thing you must meet is the ASVAB score requirement of 43. (Pararescue - Air Force Special Operations Command) Very few get into pararescue because the training is harsh. Many candidates drop out and attrition rates are high “On average, only 15%-20% of personnel will graduate from the Pararescue training pipeline. For example, in 2007, only 69 of the 480 Pararescue candidates completed training”. (US Air Force Pararescue Jumper (PJ) Selection & Training.” Boot Camp & Military Fitness Institute) With this kind of attrition rate you must come in physically fit, more fit than you ever have been, or you will fail, this job requires extreme dedication. The initial PAST will not be easy, and it will only get harder the more you progress through the

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