Essay On Happiness In Pursuit Of Happiness

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In Pursuit of the Alchemy of Happiness By Silvia Mordini According to geneticists we have an “inborn” happiness set point of about 50% that we return to whether good things or bad things happen. We have 10% influence based on environmental factors and up to 40% that is affected by “intentional activity.” In pursuit of happiness here are my suggestions for making the most of this 40%. 1. The best way to be happy is to make Kindness the main theme in your life. 2. Meditate You are not too busy. You can’t do it wrong. It is not difficult. If you have time to shower, drink a cup of coffee/tea, eat breakfast then you have 5-10 minutes to meditate each morning. It gives us a new baseline, it returns us to being present and happiness only…show more content…
Stay Excited! Happiness is a direct experience of enthusiasm. Remember, it is not how or when we accomplish something that matters most, it is the sense of enthusiasm during the process that demonstrates our quality of life. Enthusiasm gives us the chance to go beyond our happiness set point. The foundational teachings of yoga tell us that joy is our birthright. That doesn’t mean it comes easy: It takes real effort. However, this exertion is well worth it and we should never let a day go by without putting forth our best effort to live with passion. Practice my Rebel Spirit Mantra: I love myself, I love my day, I love my life! 6. Be around Positive People. Be mindful of who you let into your closest energy field. Many researchers in cognitive neuroscience propose in human brain activity we have a system of imitating by way of "mirror" neurons. This means the behavior of other impacts how we act and feel as if we are doing the action Negative influences will felt on even the most positive people. You are empowered to edit wisely those that are not healthy having around you. Foster friendships where you feel a balance between giving and receiving. High vibe friends will support your intentions to elevate yourself and the
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