Essay On Employee Motivation In The Hospitality Industry

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There are many strategies that are used by companies in the US hospitality industry to achieve employee retention. Most of the organizations in the industry have a human resource department whose main goal is to ensure that it is able to attract, recruit and retain highly qualified and experienced personnel which offers a competitive advantage against other players. According to Saliba (2008) the human resource department has to come up with mechanisms in which to convince the employees to remain in the organization. One of the main strategies that are used by the companies in the industry is employee motivation. Allen & Bryant (2012) explain that employee motivation is a critical factor that determines the tendency of an employee to remain in the same organization or move to another company. As such, employee motivation is a key strategy that is used by companies in the industry to ensure that the employees are contented with their current employment and remain in the organization (Starosta, 2007). The companies ensure that the employees are adequately motivated by ensuring that they…show more content…
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs is one of the theories used to explore the motivating factors for employees in any organization. Maslow (2012) used a pyramid to explain the factors that motivate employees in the organization and how companies can be able to effectively motivate the employees. The companies in the US hospitality industry work towards achieving employee motivation by ensuring that the needs of the employees are met (Kruse, 2012). To meet the needs of the employees, the companies ensure that they are adequately remunerated to an extent where they are able to cater for their own needs. In addition, the companies offer benefits such as health cover and insurance for the employees which increases their safety at work (Maslow,

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