Doctors Without Borders Case Study

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Doctors Without Borders is a humanitarian organization that works to provide medical and mental health care during crises around the world. They are an independent organization that gets funding through various donors. The organization was founded in 1971 when two doctors and four nurses from The Red Cross set out on a mission to help others in need. Through their independent funding, they were able to grow and prosper and in 1991 they won the Nobel peace prize for their efforts. They have continued to grow since now have over 33,000 on the ground members in roughly 70 countries. Their outreach has not only provided medical care for countless refugees but has also helped prevent countless others from contracting various diseases. Doctors Without…show more content…
Because of this, the organization is run by the staff. Doctors Without Borders has five operational centers, all of which are in Europe. However, they accept missions across the globe. These operational centers make the decisions as to where and what medical care will be provided by who. Although each of their operational centers is run independently, they all work interconnectedly under the MSF Chapter. The operational centers branch to other offices called sections. The sections work on recruiting and acquiring donations. Aside from the major offices, Doctors Without Borders has several ongoing projects including and access campaign to raise awareness for the need for greater access to medical supplies, and field research that tracks valuable information on diseases and patient information. At the foundation of their organization is the field staff, which ranges from doctors to…show more content…
Currently, Doctors Without Borders has 33,000 on the ground staff members in about 70 countries. In 1976 they visited their first war zone in Lebanon where they provided surgical care to civilians affected by the war. A few years later in 1980, staff traveled by mule through Afghanistan to remote areas to administer care to civilians. Doctors Without Borders then started a program to feed malnourished and hunger-stricken countries such as Ethiopia. More recently, in 2011, they responded to mass raping's, treating over 100 women in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Thanks to their independent funding, Doctors Without Borders will continue to expand and provide care throughout the

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