Essay On Dress Pants

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Despite giving the fashion world more than a century of service, dress pants remain very much misunderstood and are almost entirely absent in the wardrobes of young fashion enthusiasts. These days, young men will wear jeans, chinos, flower shorts, and meggins (which are exactly what they sound like) but refuse to even entertain the idea of incorporating a pair of dress pants into their wear outside of college balls, dinner parties, and other formal events. The lack of regard for dress pants among youngsters can largely be traced back to the fact that many of them aren’t even entirely sure what they are, which is likely a consequence of the many names past generations have bestowed upon them (a nice pair of slacks, anyone?) So, just what are…show more content…
Anybody who knows anything about dress pants will advise you against going with a pair from a budget manufacturer. We understand that’s probably not want you want to hear considering dress pants can be pretty expensive, but dress pants that are produced and bought on the cheap are almost always ill-fitting and frustratingly delicate. Instead, you should expand your budget by $20 or $30 and purchase your dress pants from a reputable label with a history of excellence. Among the most popular manufacturers of dress pants are Michael Kors, BOSS, and Calvin Klein, but there are literally dozens of brands for you to choose from whether you do your shopping online or…show more content…
Many designers utilize polyester as the primary fabric in their dress pants, often times eliminating wool from the mix altogether. Both wool and polyester are resistant to water, but polyester dries faster, which means polyester dress pants are preferable to wool dress pants if you frequently find yourself caught in the rain when walking to college or work. While there are dress pants that are 100% polyester, most pairs that use it often only feature it as the base fabric and contain other materials like cotton, viscose, and
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