or wet cupping? In March 2011, three systematic reviews were analysed for the effectiveness of wet and dry cupping, in which two out of three showed some evidence for effectiveness of cupping for pain. Favourable effects were shown when wet cupping was combined with adjuvant conventional treatments. A study by S.M. Ahmed and his colleagues was carried out in order to evaluate the efficiency of cupping therapy in management of rheumatoid arthritis. To sum up, they concluded that wet cupping (Hijama)
Doves cooed and fluttered overhead as Scout shook his leg restlessly under a small desk in the infirmary. He watched his German teammate explain a new scientific experiment, nodding eagerly every time Medic asked for approval of his banter. "And this is where I plan on inserting the serum into the skull," the doctor stated as he pointed at a section of a skull he was holding. "I think it's a good idea, ja?" Scout grinned and shrugged, "yeah man, that sounds pretty good." Medic's eyes brightened