Case Study: Paraprofessional Case Scenario

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Paraprofessional Case Scenario This year can be a very exciting year for Mrs. Smith and her new paraeducator (para). Although she has never worked with a para, and her new para has never worked in the field before, with respect for each other, and the positions they hold, an openness to learning preparation, good communication, and training they should be able to look back at the year, and see success and growth. However, there is much preparation Mrs. Smith needs to accomplish in order to make the year successful. One of the first steps she should take is to speak with other successful teachers who have worked with a para before. In speaking to other teachers she can gain some perspective on what to expect, and how she and her para can…show more content…
Smith can begin by developing a goal that will guide her collaboration with her new para. An example, she might state that she and her para would respect each other, their positions, thoughts and ideas, while they work together to accomplish the task of educating all their students in an environment that is conducive to learning. Mrs. Smith would also need to be clear about their individual responsibilities as it related to their positions in the classroom. Classroom management would be one of Mrs. Smith’s responsibilities that the new para would undoubtedly be expected to enforce. Before she meets with her new para, she should have at least a basic outline of classroom rules and expectations for the students. Her outline should be as broad as possible and include such items…show more content…
Smith will be the one responsible for student progress. By adequately training and regularly evaluating her para, they should see their students’ progress, thereby meeting her overall goal for collaboration. One way the teacher and para can be sure students are progressing is by using progress monitoring. In progress monitoring, the teacher determines the student’s academic level at the beginning of the year, sets end of the year goals, and monitors the students’ progress at regular intervals using an assessment called a probe (Safer & Fleischman, 2005). The probe is a brief, easily administered assessment that is different from a test the teacher administers at the end of a unit, because the probe tests every skill the student will need to develop by the end of the year. If the teacher notices the student is not progressing as he or she should following a probe, she can adjust her instruction. A para can easily be taught to administer the probe and update the data for each student. Following probe results, the teacher and para can consult and develop any strategies they might deem necessary in order to ensure the students continue to show

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