Essay On Cultural Survival

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According to Cultural Survival, an international Nongovernmental Organisation based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A, there are 370 million Indigenous people belonging to 5000 Different groups in 90 countries who speak about 4000 languages. Some of these indigenous groups of people include the Arctic, the White Mountain Apache of Arizona, the Yanonami and the Tupi people of the Amazon, the Maasai in East Africa, the Bont people of Philippines to mention but a few. They face various daunting challenges to assert their rights as indigenous people. It says that these indigenous people have had their communities first ravaged by colonialism and then by the activities of extractive industries and most pathetically, have been abandoned by their national governments and their institutions. The Cultural Survival was formed in 1972 with the goal of bringing hope and grace to those abandoned indigenous people and help them realise their dreams of enjoying their natural freedoms and liberties, in the hope of creating a world in which the beauty of the variety of cultures would be admirably kept and preserved.…show more content…
It is involved in community media programming with various indigenous media outfits with the view of helping the broadcast news and information concerning the rights of the indigenous people. The indigenous rights Radio of the Cultural Survival, airs documentaries, programmes and interviews about indigenous people rights. It has also got an advocacy team in partnership with some international human rights bodies such as the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous People (EMRIP), in promoting and protecting the rights if the indigenous people. Occasionally, it organises bazaars- a kind of a cultural festival in which cultural artifacts and artworks are showcased and sold by indigenous artists and producers directly to the U.S

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