The Importance Of Imagination In Literature

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The author sets in motion the process of awakening the responses in the readers. “Thus reading causes the literary work to unfold its inherently dynamic character […] In this process of creativity, the text may either not go far enough, or may go too far, so we may say that boredom and overstrain from the boundaries beyond which the reader will leave the field of play” (ibid., 275). Imagination is a crucial factor in both writing and reading. It is what unites the reader and the writer and it is what prevents the act of reading from becoming a boring exercise. The intertextual nature of the text reminds us of the interplay between its written and the unwritten implications. These are worked out, to a large extent, by the reader’s imagination. The reader climbs aboard the text to bring it to fruition and to resolve the tensions of time between…show more content…
This work, as has been duly emphasized, has both a semiotic and a hermeneutical slant which forbids a categorical understanding of the world as cut and dry. It is reality mediated, interpreted and inferred through the use of signs. This process of mediating, inferring and interpreting is never free of the influences of the vehicles, mindsets and orientation that give birth to them. What implications then can a medium like film have on the message it intends to communicate? From the real to the virtual, the crucial question of who communicates, why he communicates, which channel he uses, how he communicates, how meaning is made of what is communicated are all part of the gamut of considerations involved in the minefield of semiotics. From the rudiments of structuralism in Saussure to deconstructionism of Kristeva and beyond, the aim of this segment of the work is to explore as best as possible, the tool(s) we have in a discipline like semiotics in carrying our this assignment of defining the sign differential of African

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