CELL PHOES: The Psychosocial Risks

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That is not a good thing at all when it comes to getting something very important done correctly in on time. What Anderson made clear towards the end of the paper was that distractions can be used in positive ways as well. For example, Anderson was talking about an interview with Winifred Gallagher, who was diagnosed with breast cancer. Anderson talked about how Gallagher described that she was thrown off track and distracted. Right after she had said that she used the distractions as motivation so she can turn the negatives into a positive result that she and others as well can benefit from. This goes to show, that no matter what obstacles lie ahead that with the help of technology, one may use the so called “distractions” to their advantage.…show more content…
It is essential for people to believe that our society being surrounded by tons of electronics and such is a good thing. Too much technology is sought out to be hazardous though. Another topic involving technology being so involved in today’s world is that too much technology is not healthy from a psychological stand point. In “CELL PHONES: The Psychosocial Risks.” Sansone, Randy A. and Sansone, Lori A. state that “She found that persistent communication by cell phone was associated with increased personal distress, decreased family satisfaction, and negative spillover between work and family environments.” (Sansone 33). What this means is that from the Sansone’s studies, both concluded that cell phones were only going to lead to problems psychologically. Meaning there could have been problems ranging from all over. That is just to give an insight look on what other people believe technology is doing to society. Although, it does not seem to be as serious as it comes off to…show more content…
Cell phones are being used in ways people could have never imagined thirty years ago. The things we can do at the press of a button are just too mind blowing. It is common sense for anyone to see that the positive outcomes when it comes to technology out weigh the possible negatives. Technology in classrooms enhancing the education for the youth. That places future generations to come in a good position to become successful in life and help society continue to grow and become better all around. Cell phones have made communications between people from all over a thousand times easier. A CEO of a business can hold a meeting online without showing his/her physical presence at the meeting at all. There is way more to go on about, but those are just some of the few examples. Some of the negative insights about cell phones is that individuals believe that the society as a whole rely on their cell phones a little too much. Although, people seem to find it horrifying that as a generation, people are breaking away from “traditional” ways of performing specific tasks. It is clear that some people are over dramatic with that accusation. Just due to the fact that it is clear that the way the world is set up today revolves mainly around technology. A large group of people also

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